Trigger management for embed point WhenTask knowing WhosCalling, HasToDo and HasDone.
WhenTask project is a set of procedures to manage triggers for embeds points in an application. Knowing who’s calling, on tasks that HasToDo some actions and when tasks Has Done what to do. This permits to know who, what, when and why a task has to perform anywhere within an application according selected trigger; WhosCalling(Where), HasToDo(Where), HasDone(Where).
To test the class we need to run jcWhenTaskDev.exe or compile jcWhenTaskDev.clw. The includes
files must be in the path usually they are copied in c:\Clarion\accessory\libsrc\win folder. I have used Clarion11 to create this project.
Excerpt from jcWhenTask.equ declarations files that describes in part the WhenTask concept.
!Used within QWhenTask assign to WhenTask BYTE field the main field of the queue
WhenTaskDefinition ITEMIZE(1),PRE(WTDef) !WhenTaskDefinition holds all the different aspect of the WhenTask concept from the CodeArea to what an area will do.
CodeAreaSetDefinition EQUATE !CodeAreaSet identifier definition that holds a code value set representationfrom WhenTaskSet ITEMIZE,PRE(CAS) found in jcWhenTaskSet.equ file.
CurrentSetArea EQUATE !CurrentSetArea identifier definition that holds a <br/>code value according to the CurrentCodeAreaSet<br/>or CurrentCodeArea representation set from<br/>WhenTaskSet ITEMIZE,PRE(CAS)<br/>found in jcWhenTaskSet.equ file.
WhosCalling EQUATE !WhosCalling identifier that holds the area (procedure or entity) coming from an area set (application, program, class or Data Multi Link Set).
HasToDO EQUATE !HasToDO identifier that holds the area (procedure or entity) coming from an area set (application, program, class, Data Multi Link Set).
TriggerOffHasToDO EQUATE !TriggerHasToDO identifier that will trigger a switch to turn ON or OFF the HasToDO presently when ON it is validated in the SetHasDone() procedure.
HasDone EQUATE !HasDone identifier that holds the area (procedure or entity) coming from an area set (application, program, class or Data Multi Link Set).
TriggerOffHasDone EQUATE !TriggerHasDone identifier that will trigger a switch to turn ON or OFF the HasDone presently when ON it is validated in the SetHasToDO() procedure.
jcWhenTask::Name:CodeAreaSetDefinition EQUATE('Code Area Set Definition') !CodeAreaSet identifier definition that holds the name of the code value set representation from WhenTaskSet ITEMIZE,PRE(CAS) found in jcWhenTaskSet.equ file.
jcWhenTask::Name:CurrentSetArea EQUATE('Current Set Area') !CurrentSetArea identifier definition that holds the name of the code value set representating<br/>CurrentCodeAreaSet or CurrentCodeArea from WhenTaskSet ITEMIZE,PRE(CAS) found in jcWhenTaskSet.equ file.
jcWhenTask::Name:WhosCalling EQUATE('Whos Calling') !WhosCalling identifier that holds the area (procedure or entity) coming from an area set (application, program, class or Data Multi Link Set).
jcWhenTask::Name:HasToDO EQUATE('Has To Do') !HasToDO identifier that holds the area (procedure or entity) coming from an area set (application, program, class, Data Multi Link Set).
jcWhenTask::Name:TriggerOffHasToDO EQUATE('Trigger off Has To Do') !TriggerHasToDO identifier that will trigger a switch to turn on or off the HasToDO presently it is validated in the SetHasDone() procedure.
jcWhenTask::Name:HasDone EQUATE('Has Done') !HasDone identifier that holds the area (procedure or entity) coming from an area set (application, program, class or Data Multi Link Set).
jcWhenTask::Name:TriggerOffHasDone EQUATE('Trigger off Has Done') !TriggerHasDone identifier that will trigger a switch to turn on or off the HasDone presently it is validated in the SetHasToDO() procedure.<br/>Presently, in development.
Link to the class object