What is this site about?

First launched in April 2014 as an experiment for an alternative to newsgroups and as an excuse to try out the Discourse discussion platform, ClarionHub has now grown to over 200 users with more coming almost every day!

Another related topic that might be of interest:

Unlike the real-time, ephemeral communication that you find on Skype, ClarionHub is an opportunity to host all of our persistent discussion, knowledge, and article comments in a modern, searchable and shareable way.

I encourage you to Sign Up, Login, join the discussion and contribute to the Clarion knowledge base. Everyone is welcome!

Did you know we also have private areas on ClarionHub?

The Lobby is a category exclusive to members with trust level 1 and higher.
Slovenia User Group User group for Clarion developers from Slovenia. (Sadly not yet active but hopefully they will get a chance to start this up soon! :slight_smile: )

Do you have an idea for a private group?
Do you have an existing community you would like to see move to the awesome ClarionHub?
Please get in touch and we can get that setup no problem!