ClarionHub reaches 200+ users!

#Very quietly the other day we passed the 200 users mark. :tada:

I have already issued the badge, congrats and welcome to @SimonKemp !
Not forgetting to mention of course the previous 100 users that joined since the 100th member mark as well as those that have joined since the 200! You are all awesome and it is great to see the site growing! :fireworks:

Just in case you missed it, today I updated the “Welcome” message to be a bit more current and informative:

and added some info that I have wanted to bring into open discussion for some time now:

I would also like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to checkout their profile preferences again. Especially if you have been a member for some time. The site is being very actively developed and likely lots of new options have opened up!

Did you know you can get a badge for filling in your profile? Woot!!

Did you know you can change the picture of your account, profile and background pictures?

How about setting a title for your badges!

  • You can also set the language of the ClarionHub interface if you prefer.
  • You can set email and notification preferences.
  • How about putting a link to your website… awesome! (even better, put a link back to ClarionHub on your own website… share the :heart:!)
  • Did you know that you can send people invites to ClarionHub?

Not only that, but when you do you will get a super awesome badge!

:cry: no one has one yet… who will be the first?!

and much, much more.

What is your favourite feature or user profile option?